Digital Journalism: How Top Pakistani Vloggers Leverage Thumbnails

Digital Journalism: How Top Pakistani Vloggers Leverage Thumbnails

Overview: YouTube has seen significant growth in Pakistan, with over 71 million users. The platform has become a hub for political discussions and narrative building. This report analyzes how top Pakistani YouTubers use video thumbnails to attract viewers, in the process spread misinformation and promote sensationalism. Methodology: For this study, we analysed 65 videos from […]

Digital Diplomacy: Top Diplomatic Missions on Pakistani Twitter

Overview Digital Diplomacy is defined as the intersection of foreign policy and technology, incorporating diplomatic initiatives, practices, and their manifestation through social media. Governments, leaders, and militaries worldwide use social media platforms like Twitter to pursue their policy goals. This study explores the most active foreign embassy Twitter accounts operating in Pakistan to see how […]

Military Diplomacy: How Militaries Leverage Social Media for Strategic Objectives

Overview The rise of digital platforms such as Twitter have transformed the way governments and various state organizations engage in public diplomacy and outreach. Exploring these themes, G5iO has in the past taken a detailed look at how world leaders and governments use Twitter for digital diplomacy in pursuit of their foreign policy goals. In […]

Digital narratives – Mapping User Behavior across TikTok and Twitter

Overview TikTok has become an increasingly popular social media platform in Pakistan. G5iO compared some of the most salient and recent online discussions on Twitter to see whether those same issues were also present on Tik Tok to understand its key themes and topics better. These issues comprised the recent monsoon spell in Karachi (a […]

Digital Journalism – Comparing the Online Impact of Pakistan’s Top Journalists

Overview Traditional news sources have experienced a marked decline over the years, resulting in a shift towards online and digital reporting. These changing patterns in news consumption have led reporters and journalists to increasingly invest in social media platforms to reach a broader audience. For example, just twitter has dramatically changed the way in which […]

Propaganda Wars: Media Framing of Fake News in the Russian-Ukraine Conflict

Overview The Russia-Ukraine conflict has dominated the global digital and social media spaces since February and has redefined how info wars are being waged worldwide. Since its start, it stands as one of the most relevant examples of hybrid warfare today. For example, data from the Paris-based fact-check platform, AFP Fact Check, shows that Ukraine […]

Shifting Stands: US-Pakistan Relations Post Afghanistan-Withdrawal

Overview US-Pakistan relations have gone through many twists and turns in the last few years. Therefore, G5iO conducted a discourse analysis on key Twitter accounts of US-based think tanks, policy experts, and media sources to understand, analyze and deconstruct the shifting discourses on Pakistan over the last year. Our aim was to see which topics […]

Digital Terrorism: How Terror Networks Leverage Social Media for Info-Ops

Overview: In the last few years, there has been a sharp surge in terrorist presence online with several terror networks leveraging social media for recruitment and propaganda purposes. G5iO mapped the social media presence of three prominent terrorist networks currently operating in Pakistan comprising the (a) Tehreek-e-Taliban-Pakistan (TTP), (b) Baloch Liberation Army (BLA) and (c) […]